Bricks Challenge ASH


Our most popular program introduces primary school children to the basic principles of mathematics, science and engineering. 

Our lesson begins with an exciting story that opens our students minds to the exciting world of STEM. Bricks Challenge participants use our LEGO® bricks kits exclusively made for Young Engineers. Each lesson inspires students to create, build and learn through a fun and entertaining LEGO® Challenge experience.

Young Engineers participating in Bricks Challenge can expect to complete the program having learned important theoretical and practical lessons.

Program Subjects Include

  • Basic and complex mathematics: Children learn about ratios, squares and cubes as well as simple division and multiplication.
  • Famous scientific and philosophical figures: Children are introduced to Archimedes, Sir Isaac Newton, Einstein, and more.
  • Powers and principles in physics: Centrifugal and centripetal forces, the power of inertia, potential energy, kinetic energy, action and reaction law, buoyancy, torques, fulcrum, load division, angular momentum, and more.

Bricks Challenge Values

  • Develops motor skills
  • Encourages creative thinking
  • Develops the ability of analyzing engineering process
  • Strengthens social aptitude and develops communication and teamwork ability
  • Expands horizons and general knowledge in physics and various natural phenomena


Lesson duration; 75 minutes

Every week in two blocks of 6 weeks each on Thursday. Jan 16-Feb 20 and March 5-April 9th 2020

Price per lesson per week; 15 euro including VAT.

Session I – Jan 16 – Feb 20  (complete, no spots left open)

Session II – March 5 – April 9 

Location : UE Makers Room

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